November 18, 2024:
Estimating Epistemic and Aleatoric Uncertainty with a Single Model and Temporally Consistent Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation with Neural Representations accepted in NeurIPS 2024.
November 6, 2024:
Event3DGS: Event-Based 3D Gaussian Splatting for High-Speed Robot Egomotion published in CoRL 2024.
October 27, 2024:
Chris presented an invited talk on uncertainty estimation at Asilomar 2024.
October 22, 2024:
A Scalable Training Strategy for Blind Multi-Distribution Noise Removal published in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
September 29, 2024:
Flash-Splat: 3D Reflection Removal with Flash Cues and Gaussian Splats presented at ECCV.
September 25, 2024:
Chris presented an invited talk on imaging through scattering media at Frontiers in Optics 2024.
August 19, 2024:
Matt Ziemann, Isabelle Rathbun, and Rushil Joshi will present their work on event-based wavefront sensing and speckle denoising at the SPIE Conference on Unconventional Imaging, Sensing, and Adaptive Optics 2024.
July 28, 2024:
Kevin presented AONeuS at SIGGRAPH.
July 16, 2024:
Chris presented talks on multimodal 3D sensing and ptychography at the 2024 Optica Imaging Congress.
June 26, 2024:
Chris received an Army Research Office Early Career Program Award.
June 20, 2024:
Coded Visual Odometry published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.
June 18, 2024:
WaveMo, CodedEvents, and Seeing the World through Your Eyes presented at CVPR.
June 13, 2024:
High-Resolution Range Profile Target Recognition with Neuromorphic ADCs and Spiking Neural Networks presented at IEEE Radar Conference 2024.
May 19, 2024:
Chris presented a tutorial on “Neural Signal Representations for Synthetic Aperture Imaging” at the IEEE Conference on Computational Imaging Using Synthetic Apertures at NIST.
April 29, 2024:
Haoming Cai and Mingyang Xie were selected as Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Finalists.
April 11, 2024:
Isabelle Rathbun received an NDSEG fellowship, Sanjaya Herath received a SMART fellowship, and Sachin Shah received an NSF GRFP honorable mention.
April 5, 2024:
The Intelligent Sensing Lab hosted a tutorial at Centennial High School’s RISE conference.
December 29, 2023:
Chris received an NSF CAREER Award for “Neural Computational Imaging - A Path Towards Seeing Through Scattering”.
December 16, 2023:
‘Multimodal Neural Surface Reconstruction: Recovering the Geometry and Appearance of 3D Scenes from Events and Grayscale Images’ and ‘SUD2: Supervision by Denoising Diffusion Models for Image Reconstruction’ published in NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Deep Learning for Inverse Problems.
December 14, 2023:
‘Fourier ptychographic microscopy image stack reconstruction using implicit neural representations’ published in Optica.
December 11, 2023:
Matt Chan presented “Replacing Ensemble Weather Predictions with Diffusion Models” at AGU.
October 2, 2023:
‘TiDy-PSFs: Computational Imaging with Time-Averaged Dynamic Point-Spread-Functions’ published in ICCV.
August 8, 2023:
Sachin Shah received a Directed Energy Professional Society Research Grant Award.
August 2, 2023:
‘Supervision by Denoising’ published in TPAMI.
July 30, 2023:
‘Neural Wavefront Shaping’ received a best poster award at ICCP 2023.
July 13, 2023:
‘TiDy-PSFs: Computational Imaging with Time-Averaged Dynamic Point-Spread-Functions’ will appear at ICCV 2023.
June 28, 2023:
‘Neural Wavefront Shaping’ published in Science Advances. Featured on the homepage of