Recent News
February 7, 2025:
Matt Ziemann’s paper on designing low-probability-of-detect radar waveforms with machine learning was accepted into IEEE Transactions on Radar Systems.
February 3, 2025:
Matt Chan presented a lightning talk on uncertainty estimation at the NYC CV Day.
January 29, 2025:
Chris presented an invited talk on uncertainty estimation at BASP Frontiers.
November 18, 2024:
Estimating Epistemic and Aleatoric Uncertainty with a Single Model and Temporally Consistent Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation with Neural Representations accepted in NeurIPS 2024.
November 6, 2024:
Event3DGS: Event-Based 3D Gaussian Splatting for High-Speed Robot Egomotion published in CoRL 2024.
October 27, 2024:
Chris presented an invited talk on uncertainty estimation at Asilomar 2024.
October 22, 2024:
A Scalable Training Strategy for Blind Multi-Distribution Noise Removal published in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
September 29, 2024:
Flash-Splat: 3D Reflection Removal with Flash Cues and Gaussian Splats presented at ECCV.
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